As an attorney and business consultant, I am dedicated to helping clients like you achieve their goals. With a strong background in law and a passion for assisting businesses, I am committed to providing you with the guidance and support you need to bring your vision to life. Together, we will navigate the intricacies of the legal landscape and develop strategic solutions tailored to your unique circumstances. Let's collaborate to turn your aspirations into concrete realities, setting you on the path to success.


Business Formations and Structuring • Outside General Counsel • Mergers and Acquisitions • Artificial Intelligence Law • Startup Formation • Due Diligence • Contract Drafting and Review • Transactions • Securities • Private Equity Funds • Venture Capital • Tech Startup Law Advising • Deal Structuring
I work with tech startups, established businesses, and venture capital and private equity funds across the nation to simplify the legal and drafting processes. I offer transparent, flat fees on a project to project basis to ensure you are receiving the best products to realize your ambitions. Empowering your journey towards accomplishing your business goals and aspirations, I provide comprehensive assistance, including business formations, strategic consulting, contracts, and general counsel services: all designed to support your success.

You can rely on my dedicated guidance and tailored solutions to protect your assets and ensure your intended plans are carried out for generations to come. I am committed to helping you secure your legacy and provide peace of mind through personalized services
Will Writing • Trusts
• Comprehensive Estate • Planning

Residing in a vibrant resort town, real estate takes center stage. Legal support in transactions and ownership matters. My role is to assist you in navigating through the intricacies of investments and real estate, ensuring your interests are protected and your objectives are achieved.
• Construction Law • Easement Drafting • Purchase and Sale Agreements • Conservation Law


I live in the Pacific Northwest in the beautiful ski and lake resort town of Sandpoint, Idaho. I love to spend as much time as possible in the outdoors with my wife, Bailey, and son, Arlo.
My background includes working for an artificial intelligence startup, collaborating with small businesses and startups to achieve their goals, practicing as a class action litigation, business, and real estate attorney, and volunteering as an English teacher with the United Nations.
After being raised in Washington State, I went to Rockhurst University in Kansas City, where I received my B.A in economics. After undergrad, I attended the University of Kansas (rock chalk!), where I received my Juris Doctor and Master of Arts in economics. I was awarded a certificate in Machine Learning from Cornell, to add a bit of coding to my academic resume.
Outside of work, I love to snowboard, ski, kayak, backpack, climb mountains, run, and travel.
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